Monday, April 23, 2012

Mount2SD An All-in-one to sd-ext script

Mounts2SD - An All-in-one to sd-ext script

Mounts2SD is a customizable sd-ext control script that can be used to move content to and from the second sdcard partition known in Android as sd-ext. These scripts comes in many variants with different purposes. Mounts2SD has most of these, and more, build into one single script with controls to set it up after most needs.

Samsung Conquer 4G root install, CWM, and the FC17 Update

Here are the files and instructions to get root and CWM on a Samsung Conquer 4G with the FC17 update. To enter Download Mode on the phone, make sure the phone is turned off and plugged into the wall charging. You should also make sure the phone has a good charge on it. Then turn the phone on by pressing the volume down and camera button and holding them while pressing the power button for a few second

Motorola Android Phones new Root method

The method is far from easy, but it works if none of the existing exploits and tricks don't.

Monday, April 16, 2012

How to Root Blackberry Playbook

I've been diggin into the Playbook for a few days now, trying to figure out who against who here. the goal of course is gaining root.

The things we know so far, is that the device is dual-core 1Ghz cortex-A9, armv7 architecture using OMAP4 platform. On top of it runs a QNX linux that uses Adobe air sdk for application.

ICS for Nokia N9

Recently Ics was ported to this devices and ive been playing with it, and damn i love it!!!